Best sleeping, how sleeping pose can help?


Best and Peaceful Sleeping, 

Sleeping Doctors are never appreciated but it's a requirement for healing body and brain. I hope that's the reason the story sleeping beauty was so much liked. On the average, we sleep for 7 hours and 50 minutes every night. Life expectancy for countries in the Western world is average 80 years—we spend 26.6 years of our life asleep if there are no sleeping disorders. Click hereClick here 
That’s almost 1/3 of our time on this planet. Still we feel tired so often. Just see that person sitting next to you in the office, on the couch, or at Starbucks and looking sleepy, it is due to lack of normal sleep.
Sleep has a big role in our lives—we depend upon it. Have you ever had a lethargic day and said it was because of a lack of proper sleep at night? It sucks.
That’s why we want get familiar with ‘sleep hacks’ that promise us to sleep like a third grader who has nothing to worry about.
Since past 12 months, I’ve experimented with different things that can improve our life — one of the aspects that I have focused upon was sleep.
I’ve maintained a spreadsheet since January of this year—every day I note down the time I Click HereClick Here went to sleep and woke up. I also evaluate  my energy level during the day on low, medium and high scale.
On my scale, a low means doing absolutely nothing but eating and drinking only. High means doing 10 hours of focused work and 2 hours of exercise also which never happens.
When I started, most of the days were a medium — that means almost 4–5 hours of real work, browsing the websites, reading new articles, checking social media accounts, hanging out. Pretty average mixed activities stuff.
I gave target to myself, “How can I become a high at energy along with it consistency is my goal. A high energy level for me means 5–6 hours of productive work, 1–2 hours of exercise, and staying in a good mood also all the day.

Let’s talk about what have an effect on the quality of my sleep and energy level.

Click Here
1. Track your sleep :

I used the Sleep Cycle app to track my sleep. The app works fine and looks nice. Having all this data did help me sleep better as I started focusing upon waking up early if want to sleep on time at night even the Day naps shorter in time are also supportive to sleep properly at night.
2. Read a book:

 I love books, I read a lot. If I have to recommend something to do before sleeping this would be it. Reading always helped me fall asleep. 

3. Plan Your next Day:
 I plan my next day before sleeping because brain does not stop thinking when we sleep it just slows down so it starts thinking more deeply. you might have noticed that even if next morning's wake up time is set in mind for yourself you may wake up without alarm. I say to myself, ok I just want to sleep now as I have to wake up at six in the next morning and I am awake before the ring of my alarm. It can develop with practice. 
4 .Have a bath:

Some people take shower just before bed time which may disturb their sleep and make them over active. I only have a shower in the evening not just before sleepng. The reason is that damp hair will wet your pillow and sleep will be disturbed.
5. Change your sheets :

I want to sleep well every day. Do I have to change my sheets every day as well? Its the activity which is adopted by some people making them always worried about sheets washing and maintaining. Its a better idea to change the sheets after four days during the middle of the day. When sheets are not changed only clearing up the bed may help. A lot of things placed on every cornor of the bed may reduce its capcity and cause disturbance in sleep.
6.Think about Good Things and Blessings of the Day:
When you will think about the blessings of the whole day which passed you will feel satisfied and will be able to sleep better, thank God for all those gifts and ask for more gifts for the upcoming day. If some bad things try to come to your mind, don't let them come.
7. Plan to Correct your Mistakes of the Day:
If something wrong has happened on the current day be impartial to realize the truth and promise to your self to correct your mistakes in upcoming day.


In short sleep is a requirement of healthy brain and body. Body has the automatic system to fulfil this requirement. We just need to set our routine in a way that sleep may be possible at your set time. 


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