Early governments of Pakistan 1947 to 1958 ( O Level Pakistan studies)

 Q. Explain how successful were the early governments of Pakistan during 1947-58? 

A. Early governments of Pakistan during 1947-58 had to face alot of problems for e.g: Refugees issue , canal water dispute , Kashmir issue , lack of monitory and military assets e.tc. In this situation Quaid-e-Azam handled the matters successfully but his early death without any constitution of the country created humongous problems . His post for governal general had very vast authority so many politicians and government officials had a greedy eye to get that post . After the death of Quaid-e-Azam, khwaja Nazim-ud-din became the governor general and Liaqat Ali Khan was the prime minister.

L.A.K as the first prime minister of the country took some steps which were partially successful . L.A.K presented Objectives Resolution prepared with the halp of the first constitutional assembly . This resolution had the foundation rules for the new constitution but it did not declare any deadline for the making of the constitution. This is the reason Pakistan remained without constitution for a long period of time . He also declared Urdu as the national language of Pakistan but annoyed the east Pakistanis who wanted Bengali as the national language.
K.N.D was the governor general after the death of Quaid-e-Azam. Gap between east and west Pakistan was already increased to language issues . Secondly in those days the idea of upper and lower house was also given with equal seats for east and west Pakistan . East Pakistans disliked the idea because they were 55 % of the population and they wanted more seats in the assembly. These clashes dis-satisfied the public and clashes increased. After the assassination of L.A.K , K.N.D appointed Malik Ghulam Muhammad as the G.G of the country and he himself took the seat of P.M . It proved that K.N.D had no idea about his powers . Later on even as P.M he did not present any useful policy or not the new constitution was formed . Country was facing severe food shortage and economic crises but no plan was given in this reference . In stability was deep rooted in the administrative system of Pakistan . When the law making council of K.N.D was dismissed by Malik Ghulam Muhammad complete disappointment was spread.
The era of Malik Ghulam Muhammad 1951-55 was the foundation of might is right in the administrative system of Pakistan. His habit of changing the P.Ms again and again caused great instability in the country and constitution making was also delayed . This satisfied the public and increased a gap between east and west Pakistan . Same way when elected constituent assembly tried to limit the powers of G.G with the help of Sindh high court decision. Malik Ghulam Muhammad mis-used supreme court and forced then to give decision in favor of him. The wrong decision of supreme court placed a question mark on the judiciary system of Pakistan at national and international levels. Later on Malik Ghulam Muhammad became Ill and resigned from his post handing over his government to his friend General Iskendar Mirza in 1955.
G.I.M was the first army general in the government who later on introduced the first constitution in 1956 and declared himself the president of Pakistan . He introduced one unit system according to which all west Pakistan provinces were declared as one unit while east Pakistan was the other unit. Equal seats were given to both units in the National Assembly but both east and west Pakistan were unhappy because west pakistanis dis not like their provinces to be merged together and east Pakistan was dis-satisfied because they claimed that they wanted 55% seats in the law making council according to the proportion of their population. In this situation political unrest was at its peak . Popularity of G.I.M was declining sharply . To control the situation he declared martial law in the country with the help of his friend General Ayub Khan. Be wanted to remain the president under the umbrella of army control but things were going out of hands. Finally in October 1958 he resigned from his post and handed over the full rule to General Ayub Khan.

The main reason of Liaquat Ali's killing was objective resolution and PRODA which attracted criticism from Ulamas and elite class as they all turned against him. Due to his killing the govt became unstable as there was still no constitution and the nation had lost two very experienced, sincere and wise leaders Quaid and Liaquat who could have worked to bring the country out of troubles. Democratic system declined leading unstable Govts.
Khawaja Nazim ud Din's step to hand over the govt to Malik Ghulam Muhammad was again a change creating a way to nominate people instead of elections which further snubbed democratic system frustrated politicians and caused instability.
Ghulam Muhammad wished to stay longer but the rules introduced dissatisfied Ulamas creating immance tension. Additionaly drought worsened the situation causing lose of public support food shortage created such pressure that Ghulam Muhammad kept blaming Prime Ministers for it and appointed many PM's causing quick changes in govt and unstability of developmental plans. His ill health also forced him to resign and passing over the govt to General Iskender Mirza which created the entry of army in politics.
Sikender's first constitution 1956 attracted sever criticism and opposition. One unit policy was disliked by everyone in East and West Pakistan. Govt faced riots and unrest in the country, political instability became such a pressure that Mirza had to resign showing up another change in govt.
Govt handed over to General Ayub khan bringing army rule causing abrogation of the first construction and uncertainty in the public. These all reasons led Pakistan face a lot of changes in its early years. 


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