3rd June Plan and Radcliffe Award 1947 ( O Level Pakistan studies)

3rd June plan, Independence Act and Rad Cliff award 1947

Q. Which was the most important event for the establishment of Pakistan:

(a)3rd June Plan, (b)Independence Act 1947 and RadCliffe award  

Write your answers explaining all three points.

British won the Second World War in 1945, conducted Cabinet Mission meeting in 1942, Simla conference in 1945, trying to convince the Indians to cooperate with the British government after the war by providing Indian young men in the army, weaponry stock and treasury of India’s.  Most prominent politicians of India rejected all these plans and pressurized the British government to leave India. British even offered the Indians to establish interm government which was also rejected because Indians wanted permanent independence. In February 1946 violence erupted all over the sub-continent among all the communities of India to declare that Indians were going to get independence. British government presented 3rd June plan which was a very clear statement for the transfer of power to the two states of India, India and Pakistan. This was known as “The formula of partition for subcontinent”. Lord Attlee declared that there was no way out. This was the first time when British accepted that Muslims would be given their own independence country Pakistan, now Muslims became more hopeful about their own Muslim government, religious rules, cultural freedom and social respect.

Independence Act 1947 was a law which deeply gave a legal position to the demand of Pakistan as an independence and separate country. This act was a proof of decision made by the British Government and it was a hope for Muslims that the idea of Pakistan had a got a legal position excepted as a right of community same way all the member provinces voted in the favor of Pakistan which was proof that this country was a demanded by all the Muslims living in the subcontinent. There was no other solution except the establishment of a separate Muslim homeland. That is why independence act is important for the establishment of Pakistan.Click Here

The Boundary Award commission named Rad cliff award was established by     Lord Mountbatten on 16 August 1947.

This commission had no contribution in the Pakistan movement but it had to clear the division of areas in Punjab and Bengal between India and Pakistan. The division was very unfair and many Muslim majority areas were given the India without any consent of Muslims in Gurdaspur, Ferozpur, Kashmir etc. In the original map these areas were Muslim majority area and were the part of Pakistan but most of the Muslims were killed by Sikhs and others were forced to leave the province. No one helped them. It seemed like a preplanned scheme of British and Hindus, Last minute announcements declared these as India’s part of the vision and courage of Muslims helped them to win their homeland even though these unfavorable conditions. In spite of all these disappointments Muslims achieved this country after the strong and united effort of only 7 years very successfully.


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