Pakistan and United Nations ( O Level Pakistan studies)

 United Nations Organization

Q. Explain about thelayout of United Nations and the role of Pakistan in it.

A. The UNO was formed in 1945. It was established after the Second World War and was based on a United Nations Charter that had a number of aims. These include saving the world from a future war, ensure basic human rights, establish equal rights between large and small nations, ensure that countries respect international laws and obey treaties and to work for high standards and social progress. 

The United Nations is mainly chaired by a Secretary-General who has a large number of officials from various countries to run the organization. The UNO has numerous committees and councils with different member countries. Firstly, the General Assembly consists of delegates from all member countries and this is where the general debates take place.

The Security Council comprises five permanent members; USA, Britain, Russia, France and China and then non-permanent members that are elected by the assembly to serve for two years. With the unanimous consent of these five permanent members, military action can also be taken against any country. Another council of the UNO is the International Court of Justice. It comprises 15 judges from different member states and resolves disputes among countries if they agree to use it.

The Economic and Social Council consists of four member states and chairs the work of three other UN organisations: UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation), International Labour Organisation (ILO) and WHO (World Health Organization).

Another UNO fund, UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) was originally set up to meet the emergency needs of children in the post-war Europe and China. However, it later started operating as a permanent UN sub-organisation that conducts community-based to ensure the welfare of children, globally.

The World Food Programme was set up in 1963 fighting hunger and malnutrition all across the world. The financial agencies of UN include IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank (IBRD), who provide loans to developing countries. However, these agencies have been criticised much lately due to the heavy conditions they lay down along with their loans.

Pakistan joined the United Nations soon after its creation in September 1947. Pakistan contributed greatly in peace-keeping and preventive measures and was elected in the Security Council thrice. It always aimed to uphold human rights and freedom authorities as it spoke against the Israel invasion in Palestine and the occupation of Indonesia by Holland. In return, Pakistan also got many benefits from the UN, including loans from the World Bank and food aid for the poor people.

Afghan refugees after the soviet invasion. The Canal Water Dispute between Pakistan and India was also settled by the UN with the Indus Water Treaty in 1960 and financial aid by the World bank to assist it.

However, at times the UN failed to satisfy Pakistan as with the Kashmir issue where they failed to reach a mutually satisfying solution despite Pakistan’s constant demands. Also in 1971, the UN refused to assist Pakistan in the ‘civil war’ that waged and was active in recognising Bangladesh.


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