Minto Morley Reforms 1909 ( Laws Passed) ( O Level Pakistan studies)

 Minto Morley Reforms

Q. Explain the importance of Minto Morley Reforms 1909 for the Muslims of Sub Continent.

Ans. A Morley Reforms were important for the Muslims of Sub Continent because those passed seperate electorate System, one third seats for Muslims in the law making council, share of high level jobs, share of the jobs of judges. Muslims had the hope to get their due share in the law making and politics of the country. These reforms provided a chance to the Indian Muslims to represent their community in a better way voice their demands on an approperiate forum. 

Minto Morley Reforms provided one third seats to the Indian Muslims in the law making council and they could get the laws of their own choice accepted with more representation which was not possible if their seats were less. Now Muslims bacame hopeful that their religious and cultural values would also be taken care and represented while the making of new laws and they would not have to request Hindus for small rights to be presented to the British govt.

Share of jobs allocated for Muslims in the reforms was an opening of respectable status and financial liberty for Muslims. There was a chance also that being in high level jobs social status of Muslims would increase and being direct in contact to the British govt Muslims could remove misunderstandings between the British and them. It was also a possibility of getting better justice by getting accepted the share of jobs for Muslim judges also. In this manner Muslims felt more protected due to Minto Morley Reforms. 

Q. Why were Minto Morley Reforms rejected by the Hindus?

Ans. Congress opposed Minto Morley Reforms because Hindus could never accept any kind of benifits for the Muslims. The legal rights of seperate electorate System, one third seats in the law making council, share of jobs for Muslims protected Muslim community and made them independent which Hindus never wanted so they refused to accept Minto Morley Reforms. Political strength of Muslims increased while Hindu leaders always wanted Muslims to depend upon them and stay below them. 

After Minto Morley Reforms there was a chance of high level jobs for Muslims according to their proportion of population which was going to enhance social and economic status of Muslims so Hindus started opposing these reforms. Previously Muslims even if they were very capable Hindus officers used to reject them in interviews and give those jobs to Hindu candidates. Now fixing of quota for Muslims had the only option of giving those job to Muslim candidates which were fixed for them. Hindus felt that British were providing equal status to Muslims which they didn't like and rejected these reforms. previously Muslims were appointed only for low level jobs like drivers, ink fillers, post men etc. Share of high level jobs ensured better social and economic status for Muslims so they were happy and Hindus were annoyed.

Ensuring one third seats for Muslims in the legislature provided a chance to get the laws of their choice accepted. Hindus wanted Muslims to request them for everything insteadof becoming independent. Now Muslims could influence effectively about the passing of such laws which could protect their social, economic and religious laws. This was not acceptable for Hindu ministers that Muslim politicians sitting with them in the process of law making so they rejected these reforms.


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