Lucknow Pact 1916 ( O Level Pakistan studies)

 Lucknow Pact 1916

Q. Why was Lucknow Pact signed between Muslims and Hindus in 1916?

Ans. Lucknow Pact was signed in 1916 between Muslims and Hindus because it was the time of world war 1. British were busy in the war so it was the best time to push British out the country togather by joining these communities. British were forcibly sending Indian young men in the war which they didn't want to do as it was British war and not the Indians, when many young men were losing their lives or becoming disabled Indians felt that it was better to get rid of such British government by creating United pressure on them. Turkey was a Muslim country while British were fighting against them in this war, Muslims felt it unislamic to fight against Muslims while it was against Hindu religion to travel on ships and to outside India so both of them decided to disagree with British government and try to take control of their country in their own hands. These were the reasons to sign an agreement to join hands. It was the time when Quaid e Azam was the member of both parties Congress and Muslim League, he played a major role to bring all leaders on one table for this agreement. He was declared the ambasador of peace at this time by the politicians of India. 

During this time leaders in both political parties were moderate minded. The main ideology behind this agreement was that both parties were jointly the representatives of al the Indians in the subcontinent, when they were demanding British withdrawal from India it was the demand of all the Indians. Secondly if these politicians were togather and they wanted some important political rights of Indians to be accepted they could convince the govt in a better way. The main demand was the establishment of self rule for Indians, Hindus officially accepted seperate electorate system for Muslims and Muslim League as a representative party for Muslims of Sub continant. World War 1 was a high time for British and signing Lucknow Pact was the oppurtunity to presurize the British either to leave India or give self rule to Indians in their majority provinces.

This was the time when Muslims were unhappy from British because of the reversal of  partition of Bengal while Hindus didn't like Minto Morley Reforms of the govt. declaring it divide and rule policy. Both of these groups decided to become United and with full force give so much opposition to the British that they decide to leave India and hand over govt to the natives. That is what Lucknow Pact was signed.


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