Simla Deputation 1905 ( O Level Pakistan studies)

  Simla Deputation 1905 

      Minto was sent to India in 1905 to take up the charge as the new Governor General of India. He had to face an assassination attempt from extremist Hindus who wanted to reverse partition of Bengal. Minto decided to develop improved relations with Muslim community as an alternative to Hindus. 

On the other side Muslims had watched the reaction of Hindus and they were in dismay. Muslims young leaders who were mostly the students of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan decided to meet Minto in Simla for the demand of the political rights of Muslims. They presented the demands of seperate electorate system, one third seats in the law making council and quota in the high level government jobs for the Muslims of Sub-Continent. 

Minto found it as an excellent chance to develop friendly relations on the basis of give and take. He promised that he would accept these demands in the upcoming reforms of the country. The promise proved truthful and in 1909 Minto Morley reforms these three laws were accepted giving a political foundation to the Muslims of Sub-Continent.


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