Congress Ministries 1937 to 39 ( O Level Pakistan studies)

Congress Ministries 1937-1939 

Q. Why was Congress rule hated?

 A. Congress rule was hated because Hindu Ministries were totally unfair adjust with Muslim community. Their cruel politics made the lives of Muslims miserable. It forced Muslims to think that Congress could never be friendly to Muslims of the subcontinent. Muslims hated Congress rule due to  Warda Scheme. This scheme forced Muslim students to convert to Hinduism, bowing before Gandhi's picture and Band-e-Matra was compulsory to sing. In schools and colleges Hinduism and Hindu language became the part of syllabus, Hindu ideology was supported. Islamiat and Muslim history was eliminated from courses. Muslims felt that Hindus were developing Hinduism based syllabus. Muslims realised that they had done wrong by voting for Congress related leaders.

                  Another reason for the hate was  Vidya Mandir scheme which planned to abolish the Masjids and constructing Mandirs in place of that. Muslims were totally threatened and felt that they had no religious Liberty. Ban on the call of Azan, prayers and fasting was unacceptable, cow slaughter was also banned. Muslims could clearly see that if there was Hindu government Muslims had to forget about their religion. That is why they hated the Congress rule. Muslims wanted to practice their religion freely. Muslims did not wanted to change their religion.

                   All areas of Muslim business were blocked while new roads were constructed in the Hindu markets to enhance their businesses. Loans for businesses were given only to Hindus and Muslims were totally neglected. Hindi was officially followed as national language. Many Muslims were fired from their jobs. The purpose was to create economic downfall for Muslims but Muslims wanted to progress economically. It showed that Hindus hated Muslims So there was no meaning of taking Congress as Muslim representative party. Muslims were not allowed at Jumma and Eid prayers.

      In 1937 elections were held by the British government and in result of these elections Congress got an overwhelming success. Eight out of ten provinces where elections were won in the elections by Congress. After winning this election Congress treated Muslims and Muslim League with complete enmity. Congress rule introduced different schemes like Wards Scheme  (Educational), Widya Mandir Scheme (Religious ), Bandy Matram ( an anti Muslims song) ect.

 All these activities created such difficulties for Muslims that their lives became miserable. Muslims were constantly given a feeling that if they wanted to live in India they would have to change their religion. Muslims could clearly understand at this point that if they wanted to live peacefully according to their religion they needed their seperate homeland Pakistan. This is the reason Muslims started raising the slogan "Pakistan ka Mutlab Kia Last Ilaha illalAllah". When Congress Ministries resigned Muslims celebrated the Day of Diliverence in 1939.


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