Reforms of Ayub Khan 1958 till 1969

Reforms of Ayub Khan 1958 till 1969

  Ayub Khan during 1958 till 1969 introduced many reforms like agricultural reforms, industrial reforms, and constitutional reforms, social and educational reforms which were very important for the development of Pakistan

  Ayub Khan look over as Martial law administrator in 1958 October. His advisors pressed for more Industrial Development. So taking these advices in consideration he introduced reforms relating to industries. Thus, many foreign countries gave loans as UK, USA and Germany. In 1962 an oil refinery was set up in Karachi and a mineral Development Corporation was also set up to explore mineral deposit an export bonus scheme was made offering the incentive to those industrialists which increased exports. The average annual rate by which economy grew in 1960 was 7 % which was three times that of India banking and insurance companies developed. He appointed general Azam Khan in 1959 to settle 75000 refugees in newly build dwellings in Karachi. 

    Establishment of agro-based industries helped to utilize the local raw material and increased the profit ratio of the country. It also helped to solve the local issues of food shortage. Introduction of PRODA could bring the corrupt officers out of their offices. This was not very successful but it worked to some extent to bring corruption’s scale down in the country. New constitution of the country provided a chance to the constituent assembly to work. Completion of Karachi airport as well as industrial and rural development programs were good. Transport and communication systems were also modernized to some extent. When Urdu and Bengali both were declared National languages of Pakistan that satisfied the East Pakistanis

  Laws were passed to provide accommodation to factory labors by the factory owners. He implemented family laws ordinance in 1959 to control polygamy and rapidly increasing population. His advisors drew up a new culture for schools and suggested the new text book should be published. The government began an extensive literacy program building new schools and colleges.

  His constitutional reforms were started being a dictatorial Constitution that president could not be removed unless impeached. He would appoint the cabinet from the members of national assembly. He would nominate the head of Judiciary and provincial governor. The national legislative could not pass any law without the approval of the president so president could change any law in the state of emergency. The introduction of basic democracies in 1961 which was a four tier system in which ordinary people were elected by the public at Tehsil level only while districts and divisional members were elected indirectly and held great significance in law making.   More seats were given to East Pakistanis in the law making council due to their more percentage of population in East Pakistan. The issue of National Language was also tried to be settled by declaring both Bengali and Urdu as National languages. Everything was there but the most unacceptable thing in the constitution was the immense authority given to the post of president. Everyone was with the view that with the help of this constitution Ayub Khan had in fact served himself with large power and authority. East Pakistanis could not bear it at all thinking that a West Pakistani Army General was enjoying such autonomy without sharing anything with them so they refused the constitution. He recognized Urdu and Bengali as twin languages He made Islamabad the planned city as capital for Pakistan having Supreme Court, President, Prime Minister House and national assembly. 

   Economic reforms during Ayub Khan’s era were related to agriculture and Industries. Time period of Ayub Khan is known as “Green Revolution” time. It was a good luck that canal irrigation system was introduced during his era. Provision of water opened vast lands for cultivation increased Agricultural production with a marked difference. He himself was in favor of modernization so he introduced and supported the use of HYVs and modern machinery. Land reforms were introduced making more lands cultivable and consolidation of lands for successful mechanization. Food shortage inside the country was overcome as well as increased exports for the earning of more foreign exchange.

However in my opinion the agricultural reforms were the most successful ones because these eliminated the food shortage from the country decreasing imports of food items. When surplus food was grown Pakistan started exporting rice, cotton and sugar earning foreign exchange.


  1. Agricultural reforms by Ayub Khan were most successful for Pakistan.

  2. Ayub khan reforms were very important for the development of Pakistan.A.F

  3. Although Ayub Khan worked for the betterment of the country by making certain policies and reforms, it seems that he focused a lot on staying in power which was a hurdle in the way of development of Pakistan. - A.F

  4. Ayub khans reforms were successful and helped to improve the economic conditions of Pakistan.


  6. He established agro-based industries which increased the also helped to solve food shortage problems

  7. In my opinion Ayub's time was the most successful as he tried and improves the economy of the country.

  8. At the time of Ayub Khan's era food shortage was quite a prominent problem so his agricultural reforms and policies were the most siccsuc providing staple food and increasing vast exports of Pak.

  9. If further Govts. stayed with the reforms of Ayub Khan, they wouldn't have to beg for loans from other countries


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