Khilafat Movement

Khilafat Movement

Why Started?                                                                                                                      

  Khilafat movement started after 1st world war to remind the British government about their promises. Muslims of subcontinent did not want to fight against Turkey in the 1st world war. In those days Turkey was comprised of 4 states which were Turkey, Hijaz, Iraq and Iran. Muslims thought that the unity of these 4 states could help make the Muslim empire stronger. They wanted this Muslim empire to stag united due to their Muslim brotherhood bond with them. Indian Muslims cooperated with the British government only on this condition that the Muslim empire would not be broken into pieces. When the British government conquered the war they forgot their promises and declared the dismemberment of Turkey. Muslims felt they had been deceived by the British government. So they started the Khilafat movement to pressurize the British government to alter their decision.                                                                                       

Muslims were very sensitive about the protection of their holy places. Their religious sentiments were attached with their holy places. They did not want the entry of any non-Muslim in these sacred areas like of "khana kabah" and "masjid-e-nabvi" when Muslims saw that there was a danger that British in their pride of conquest of 1st World War could damage their holy places. Muslims started active protests to change this decision of the British government against their religious symbols. This was the reason that Muslims from all over the Sub-continent responded so immensely to khilafat movement                                                                 

  The system of khilafat was from the time of khulafa e Rashideen, It was greatly respected by all Muslims. Khilafat was under the system of Muslim shariah. Muslims anywhere in the world felt themselves as the members of this system of khilafat. Muslims of the subcontinent did not want this religious system government to be ended. Muslims of subcontinent knew that Turkey had lost the war and they could be treated in any manner by the British conquerors of the 1st world war. Indian Muslims had supported the British government in the war, on this condition that khilafat would not be ended.That is why Indian Muslims started the khilafat movement to remind the forgotten promise of British government..

 Reasons of Failure

  Khilafat movement failed due to many reasons. One of those reasons was the failure of Hijrat movement. According to hijrat movement, Muslims migrated to Afghanistan due to the fatwah of Maulana Abdul Qalam Azad. Maulana declared the subcontinent Dar-ul-harb (Home of war), a place for non Muslims ruling. In such places, which were declared Dar-ul-Harb, Muslims could not offer Eid prayers or jummah prayers. Many of the Muslims started to migrate to Afghanistan; they were not allowed to enter, when they reached the border of Afghanistan. Many Muslims had to return penniless. Many of them lost their lives due to hardship of travel. When they reached home, their jobs, properties, businesses and all other belongings were captured by Hindus. The active members of Khilafat movement became so helpless that they could not continue to work for Khilafat movement. Lack of sincere workers caused the failure of Khilafat movement.

  The system of Khilafat was itself in trouble because Khalifa himself announced the end of Khilafat, he resigned and handed over the government to a new president Mustafa Kamal Attaturk. This automatically ended the Khilafat movement. Muslim leaders lost the reasons of further processions and they went back home. Khilafat movement leaders were in surprise because they were not expecting such a result and the movement failed.

  When Muslims started Khilafat movement, Hindus also started non-cooperation movement for self rule. Some violent processions were also observed in different provinces of the subcontinent. British government got a chance to implement some strict laws like Rowlett Act. According to this act, British policemen got vast authority of arrest without bail, and entrance in anyone’s house without warrant and implementing swear punishments like batten beating or tear gas use. This discourages the political workers of Khilafat and many of them stopped working in for the movement. In this manner, it caused the failure of Khilafat movement.

  Amritsar tragedy (10th April 1919) of Jillianwala bagh was so horrible that it terrified the movement workers for the movement. In this event, General Dyer opened firing of 1600 rounds on a public procession  (20,000 people). In this event almost 400 people lost their lives. Muslim movement workers understood that worst things are going to be adapted in the future. They were now convinced that British were not going to give them any concessions which were previously promised. These hopeless conditions discouraged those movement workers. Many of them could not continue to work for the movement and Khilafat movement failed.

  Chura Churi incident of Gorakhpur caused the large scale arrest of many workers and almost all leaders. Khilafat leaders were declared responsible for burning of 22 policemen in the police station of Chura Churi. When Muslim leaders were in jail, they handed the responsibility of movement to Ghandhi. He declared the end of all movements suddenly without consulting anyone. Khilafat movement workers were surprised that they could not see any results of their sacrifices. Most of them went back to their areas after this announcement which caused the lack of workers and finally failure of Khilafat movement. In this situation, Muslim leaders could not even help because Khalifa himself declared the end of system of Khilafat.

After effects of Khilafat Movement

  Khilafat movement failed to restore the system of caliphate. Same way, British punished the Muslim States badly, divided Turkey into small states and ended the system of Khilafat which shows that Muslims remained unsuccessful to achieve their foremost goal but there were a number of indirect achievements which really proved fruitful for the Muslims of the subcontinent for example Muslims learnt how to launch an organized movement to influence the British government. Many newspapers like Commerade, Al-Hilal, Zimindar were published. This supported Muslim to be well-organized and well-connected, unity among the Muslims increased.

  The policy of non-cooperation with British had United Hindus and Muslims which was a proof that Indians were no longer prepared to accept British as their rulers showed the Khilafat movement may be considered as a step towards the struggle of independence. Muslims realized about their political power and they had the ideas that they could get their rights accepted if they were active and presenting their rights and pressurizing their government. The unfortunate part of this moment was that Indian Muslims left their jobs, students left admissions in colleges and universities when migration movement was start.

  Letter on when Muslims migrated to a Afghanistan they were not accepted by the Afghan government. When the Muslims came back, communal (between Hindus and Muslims) difference increased the hostility between the Hindus and the Muslims which finally led to the failure of the movement. Muslims properties and businesses were occupied by Hindus which lead to the severe economic crisis in Muslims lives. Muslims became clear that Hindus could never be their friends, two nation theory was strengthen.

   Muslims learnt that they could not trust Hindus British promises. Another thing that Muslims learnt that must start searching such strategies which were beneficial for them, instead of just trusting the Hindus and British blindly. They became more conscious while presenting their demands to the British government.

  The movement provided a chance of training to the Muslims leaders. Muslims learnt the ways of speech, controlling the processions, preparing the flags and ways to get their demands accepted. Confidence level of Muslims leaders increased and they understood the political scenario of the country. Many new slogans, banners, play cards etc. were made which was focused on Muslims demands only.

  The failure of Hijrat movement during the Khilafat movement gave the true understanding to the Muslim community about their country. Muslims understood that they could not leave their country and migrate to Afghanistan. Same way, Muslims realized that they must focus on their own problems instead of depending upon the politics of other countries. Muslims also realized that India was their country and they needed to stay there fighting for their rights bravely instead of escaping.  It was also a fact that Hindus wanted to move India forward self rule with dominating Hindus majority which was not beneficial for the separate identity of Muslims.

 Ultimately this movement gave a clear message to the British government that Muslims could not compromise on anything against their religion or culture. It is true that after the failure of this movement Muslims were more united and clear.


  1. khilafat movement was the best step ever taken by muslims and this played an important role in defining muslim power TZ


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